Under Construction with New Security
"History is told by the survivors"
Make sure your's it told by you!
Our goal is to provide your children with your stories about your life with them as told by you. We want Dads and Moms whether single or living in mixed families to have a secure place, (beyond the reach of fire, floods, and exes) to share the memories, histories, and documents that will inform and inspire your children Now and in the Future. Unedited and Untouched by anyone but you and for no one else but your individual children.
Starting a new crowdfunding round in September 2023. If you are intereted in particiapting email: mwwatwwk@aol.com with FMC in the subject line....thank you!
Ready to start?
The App You've Been Waiting For
an engaging, easy-to-use, secure website and app for your family
ForMyChildren enables parents to create, gather, preserve
and transfer everything their children and grandchildren will need in one place.
A secure, cloud-based, mobile meeting place for families – where parents and their children can chat, video conference, share photos, videos, stories and documents.
Your Media

Photos, Videos, Letters, Diplomas, Awards,
Family Trees and more.
Life Stories

Family History, Stories of Births, Vacations, Careers, Weddings, Lessons Learned, Values and more.
Vital Documents

Wills, Stocks, Insurance, Medical Instructions, Trusts, Deeds, Passwords.
All Your Memories and Vital Documents Shared Securely Forever

The Problem
Every parent has a treasure trove of stories, photos, videos and documents they want to share and ultimately pass on to their children.
But how can parents effectively create, gather, store and secure this material along with their family history, life experiences, values and advice - cornerstones of their lives that are vital to the well-being and success of their children and grandchildren?
The Solution
ForMyChildren is a cloud-based application that allows you to store and share forever all your memories and vital documents in an environment that contains military grade security and is used by multi-national banks.
You, your family, and other third parties such as lawyers and wealth managers that you give permission to will be able to share information, chat and video conference from anywhere on any device.

Your Family Will Thank You Forever
Try it for FREE for 30 days.
Then only $9.99 per month
What People are Saying
"Finally a secure and private place where I can store my family memories."
Joan Marks
"I love ForMyChildren - its a life saver for my family."
Raymond Souza
"After I started using ForMyChildren, I couldn't stop. What a fantastic app!"
Maggie Stalk